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Neither Snow nor Rain nor Heat nor Gloom of Night

We had a lot of snow here, but that didn’t stop Dr. Zachary Blount from making the daily LTEE transfers.  You can follow Zack’s excellent adventure in the pictures below.

Zack is all bundled up at home, as he prepares to head to the lab on foot on this snowy day.
It’s a good thing Zack has boots!
Zack approaches the Beaumont tower on the beautiful MSU campus.
Now Zack is crossing the Rubicon, er, the Red Cedar River on his way to the lab.
Here’s Zack approaching the BPS building, where the LTEE is housed.
This sign in our lab window announces the latest LTEE generational milestone—a great tradition that Zack started years ago.
Zack made it!  This photo shows him transferring one of the LTEE lines, while wearing one of his famous tie-dye lab coats.  I can tell the bacteria in this flask are Cit+ (able to grow on the citrate in the culture medium) because the turbidity is much higher than the lines that can only use the relatively paltry amount of glucose we feed them.
One for the record book! Well, it’s actually one of well over 10,000 daily transfers recorded in the lab notebooks since the LTEE began in February 1988.

Zack always adds something about what makes the date special.  He’s an amazing scientist and scholar!